best dog grooming service in tranmere, adelaide

De-Shedding Long Fur Dogs

How to Book a Dog-Shed

Step 1- Choose your dog’s weight from the table below

Step 2: Click on the Book button

Step 3: Choose any add-on to the groom (optional)

Step 4: Choose a date and time that suits you

Step 5: Fill in the form and click confirm the appointment.

Get rid of all loose fur

Up to 95% less shedding. Perfect for double coated dogs


  • Hydro bath: Premium Coat Care Shampoo and Conditioner, washed and conditioned twice
  • Berry Facial
  • Nails trimmed
  • Ears cleaned
  • Fluffed dry
  • Brushing
  • 3 step de-shedding process to eliminate all the loose fur and minimize shedding and protect the undercoat. (allow 1 extra hour for de-shedding)

If you got 2 or more dogs, please fill in the form and put both of the dogs names and book them at the same time, no need to create a new appointment.

How Can You Reduce Your Dog's Shedding?

long fur dog grooming

Did you know that every dog loses its fur? Some dogs don’t shed at all, while others shed so much that it’s almost impossible to keep your house free of dog hair. The amount of hair a dog sheds usually varies from breed to breed. No matter what kind of dog you have, if your dog is shedding too much, you can use the tips below to get rid of some of the hair.

Here are the top 5 ways to help your dog shed less.

Give your dog good food and a lot of water.

If your dog eats well, he’ll get the vitamins and nutrients he needs to keep his hair from breaking. Talk to your vet if you don’t think that your dog’s food is helping to stop it from shedding. He or she might be able to give you supplements with omega-3 fatty acids to help your dog’s hair grow in a healthy way.

Also, your dog needs to drink a lot of water. This may seem to have nothing to do with shedding, but it does. If your dog’s skin is dry, more hair will fall out. Every day, a dog should drink one ounce of water per pound. For example, if your dog weighs 10 pounds, he should drink at least 10 ounces of water every day.

Give your dog a bath often.

You should try to give your dog a bath at least twice a week. This helps clean his fur and get rid of all the dead hair. When he takes a bath, use shampoos and conditioners that stop hair from falling out. These help keep his skin and fur moist so they are healthier, stronger, and less likely to fall out. It’s also important to brush him very well right before and right after a bath.

You should brush your dog every day.

You should brush your dog at least once a day. If that’s too much to ask, just brushing him or her once a week can help a lot with the shedding. Different types of dogs respond better to different kinds of brushes.

A wire-pin brush is best if your dog has a curly, woolly coat.
Try a slicker brush with fine wire bristles if your dog’s hair is very matted and tangled.
If your dog has a long coat, use a bristle brush with longer bristles that are spread out. (If your dog has long, rough hair, use a bristle brush with stiff bristles.)
Try a comb on your dog if it has short hair. This will massage the skin of your dog and get rid of any dead hair.
Keep your dog stress free
It’s been proven that stressed or worried dogs shed more. By making sure your dog doesn’t get stressed out, you keep your house cleaner. Win-win!

Schedule the recommended trips to the vet:
If you’ve tried the above suggestions and your dog is still shedding a lot, you should take him to the vet for an exam.

Taking your dog to the vet for regular checkups can help find out if there are any problems since some medical conditions can cause a dog to shed a lot.

Less hair, less mess, less stress!
Having dog hair around the house can be a bother. There is no question about it. But if you follow the steps above, the amount of shedding should go down over time. Leave hairy situations behind!

Tips for Long Fur Dog Shed:

Here are some tips from our Dog Love groomer for reducing shedding in dogs with long fur:
  1. Brush the dog daily to remove loose fur and prevent matting.
  2. Use a slicker brush or undercoat rake to remove any undercoat fur.
  3. Bathe the dog with a shedding-reducing shampoo to keep the coat healthy.
  4. Dry the dog thoroughly after bathing to prevent matting.
  5. Trim any mats or tangles that may cause discomfort.
  6. Provide a balanced diet to maintain a healthy coat.

Note: The specific tips may vary depending on the breed and coat type of the dog. It is best to consult a professional dog groomer or veterinarian for personalized advice. Regular grooming and proper care can help reduce shedding and maintain a healthy, tangle-free coat.